Sunday 16 October 2011



colour change car and strawberry

Da Vinci

1. Give reasons for why you think Da Vinci invented the inventions.

I think that Da Vinci invented his inventions because he wanted to make useful devices for people to use to make life easier.

2. Choose one of DaVinci’s inventions, and explain why you think it has had the biggest impact on modern society.

I think that Da Vinci's flying machine made the biggest impact on modern society because today's society we use planes and helicoptors similar to the designs of Da Vinci's.

STEP TWO: Make up a list of 3 inventions that would enrich our lives. 

Teleporter- Small portable device that at the click of a button will teleport you anywhere you desire. 

Food replicator- a machine that replicates food if we had this device no one would starve. 

Memory capsule- A small capsule that may store human memories it can be accessed to show the memories on a small screen.