Thursday 15 November 2012

Ad Buster: Reflection

For this piece I used photoshop to change picture. I used the hue/saturation tool to change the colour of his face, clothes and puppies. I also to pictures from the Internet to add the background and collar to the dog.  

For my assignment I wanted to show how people become idiots when they drink so I used the idea that when people drink beer they become clowns. I decided to take a Molson beer that had a hot guy advertising the beer and changed him to look like a clown. Clowns are foolish and they often do silly things.  We tend to laugh at their behaviour like we laugh at people who are intoxicated. 

When I have been with my friends, I have seen young people around my age, drinking and acting foolishly.  Their out-of-control behaviour has influenced me for this assignment. People who drink to get drunk act like idiots. I find that people under the influence tend to act crazy and ridiculous, which often gets them into trouble. Sometimes, they are in trouble with family members or the police in more serious situations.  I felt that I should show what these people look like to me when they are in that state and the clown image captured this.

This advertisement is a little more symmetrical than asymmetrical. In this advertisement, our eyes do not really move around the picture. Your eyes start by looking directly at the image of the clown located in the centre of the page then your eyes travel downwards to the puppies. Placing the clown in the middle of the page really directs the viewer's attention to the message I'm trying to portray.

My motivation for this assignment was trying to make this hot guy look ridiculous. Truthfully it was just fun for me to change the colours on the guy and fool around with how he looked.

Critical Assessment
For this project I found that the most successful part of this piece was changing the colours of the guy. It really made him look like a clown by changing the colours. With more time I might have added a few more things to him to make him look more clown like. I would have done more with the puppies because all I really did with them was turn them white. I didn't find that any of the parts of the process surpised me.

Sunday 21 October 2012

Ad Buster

1.  What company does the advertisement represent/subvert?
This advertisement represents/subverts Absolut Vodka.

2.  What kind of product(s) is being advertised? 
The produce being advertised is vodka.

3.  What imagery is used in the advertisement to subvert?
In this advertisement they use a bottle with the shape of a smiley face on it and a gunshot to the forehead.

4.  What message (text, copy) is used in the advertisement?
They use the text absolut moron in thier adverisement.

6.  Who is the target audience of the advertisement?
 Teens or everyone.

7.  Doe the ad jam convey a clear and successful message?
Not realy.  I cannot tell if it is against alcohol or drinking or just the vodka and its ads.

8.  How could the ad jam be improved?
The message could be clearer about what they are mocking.

1.  What company does the advertisement represent/subvert?
This advertisement represents/subverts Mconalds.

2.  What kind of product(s) is being advertised?  
Big Mac

3.  What imagery is used in the advertisement to subvert?
The heart attack is being used to mock  the 'Big Mac' attack.  I tells us that Mcdonalds food is unhealthy.

4.  What message (text, copy) is used in the advertisement?
They use the text Big Mac Attack to display the message on a heart monitor that the food will kill you. 

6.  Who is the target audience of the advertisement?
Probably teens but it is just as likely to be a general audience.

7.  Doe the ad jam convey a clear and successful message?
Yep.  Clearly shows the food will kill you.

8.  How could the ad jam be improved? 
Not much, it is pretty clear.

1.  What company does the advertisement represent/subvert?
This advertisement represents/subverts Nike.

2.  What kind of product(s) is being advertised? 
The product being advertised in this advertisement is Nike running shoe.

3.  What imagery is used in the advertisement to subvert?
They use a Nike shoe with writing on it to show thier message.

4.  What message (text, copy) is used in the advertisement? 
they use "Nike $250 and Sweatshop .83".

6.  Who is the target audience of the advertisement?
Genereal audience.

7.  Doe the ad jam convey a clear and successful message?
clearly state that Nike is making obscene profit on the back of essentially slave labour.

8.  How could the ad jam be improved?
Perhaps better use of colour and better portion lines on the shoe.  Maybe the sweatshop could be used in the background to display the poor conditions of the people.

1.  What company does the advertisement represent/subvert?
This ad represents/subverts our culture in general.

2.  What kind of product(s) is being advertised?
There is no product being advertised in this ad. 

3.  What imagery is used in the advertisement to subvert?
The ad uses icons for its message imagery.

4.  What message (text, copy) is used in the advertisement?  
The message is simply "Toxic culture" with other icons showing the problems in our culture.

6.  Who is the target audience of the advertisement?
This ad aims at the population in general.

7.  Does the ad jam convey a clear and successful message?
No.  It critiques many things like "consumerism" but it does not explain how they are toxic or what we can do about them.

8.  How could the ad jam be improved?
The message could be made more overt.  What are they trying to fix? What is the problem exactly?

Tuesday 16 October 2012



Post Apocalyptic world 3D: Reflection

For this assignment I used photos from online and transformed them into brushes. I also us some of the brushes that were already. I used a certain colour choice to create a 3D image.

Idea or Concept
For my original idea I wanted a whole family using things from the destroyed world but it was a bit much to put in and I wasn't able to find the right pictures for my idea. So in the end I ended up just adding one person and making look like he lived in a make shift tree house in an overgrown area with a destroyed factory.

My influence was not an artist but I did get inspiration from a movie I watched once where in a futuristic the forces of nature came down upon the humans and nearly whipped them out. The people lived in the remains of the buildings and used the remain tools and items to live and where some lived in harmony others saute to fight nature.

I guess this picture is pretty asymmetrical you sort of start on the ground and then move up towards the sky. I tried to make current things pop out that I thought were most important such as the tree house, the person, the bird, and the trail to the factory. I also thought that these images would guide the viewers eyes around the picture.

For this piece I didn't really have to much motivation other than the fact that I thought the 3D was cool and interesting to work with but it was hard to work it in with theme. the theme itself was interesting to make and I liked the consept of an apocalyptic world.

Critical Assessment
I think the most successful thing about this assignment was the 3D aspect of it. I believe all the items I wanted to make pop worked and showed in the picture.If I had more time I would have made the scene more apocalyptic because I find that my scene doesn't look like an apocalyptic world. 

Sunday 30 September 2012

Part 4: Professional Portfolio

This web is a professional portfolio because it has good typography. Also it has colour and layout balance. As well it has clear information hierarchy and clear identity.

This web is a professional portfolio because it has good typography. Also it has useable and well designed interface, colour and layout balance. As well it has clear information hierarchy and clear identity.

This web is a professional portfolio because it has good typography.  Also it has colour and layout balance. As well it has clear identity.

 This web is a professional portfolio because it has good typography. Also it has useable and well designed interface, colour and layout balance. As well it has clear information hierarchy and clear identity.

This web is a professional portfolio because it has good typography. Also it has useable and well designed interface. As well it has clear information hierarchy and clear identity.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Post Apocaliyptic World: Brainstorm

a. What do you think could be a possible end of the world? How do you think this particular disaster would affect the physical environment? (Ie. Would there be a lot of explosions, charred buildings, etc.)

A possible end of the world scenario I think would be nature revolting against mankind. Lots of natural disasters and weather changes in world would destroy most of man kind. Leaving the world in a over grown statue where the remaining humans are living using nature and the remains of the man-made world.

b. What particular aspect do you think you would like to show in your piece of art? Ex. The psychology of the survivors, the physical world and how it’s been rebuilt? Perhaps a more positive world, where we are ecologically and socially harmonious with the future landscape?

In my art I want to show the devastation that was inflicted on humans.I would also show how the remaining humans how they are living off the remains of man-made items and starting over in this new life style.    

c. What are ten thing that you think would survive the disaster that you would like to portray? Why do you think these things in particular would make it?

I think a few humans will survive along with the animals, bugs, fish, birds and plants. Some rudimentary devices and self sustaining technology like solar cells will make it through the destruction. agriculture, literature and art are also some of the few thing that survives with the humans. I believe that these will survive because even though most of it was destroyed by the phenomenons some of it will remain and continue.

d. What could serve as a symbol of hope in your picture?

I would use a family to represent hope in my world. The family shows that there is still a chance for man kind to live on and start a new.The family will also show how humans are now living in harmony with nature and its creatures.
e. Take a look at the art or T&T (Tyler Brett and Tony Romano), specifically, Onward Future. These artists depict a future that can be recognized because their vision is based on trends we see around us now. They offer a chance to imagine and understand what the future may possibly hold. What do you think about their art? What do you think makes their work appealing to others?

I think that their art is interesting but I find it simplistic. Their concept is fascinating how it's a futuristic view of the world that they show in their art which is probably what draws people to their work.     


Monday 17 September 2012

Reflection: Album Cover

For this project I used digital camera and Photoshop to create my art. I used hand-made objects in my house as subjects for the photography and I used Photoshop to give the photos a personal effect.   

Idea or Concept 
At first I had an idea of using Green Day as the band for my cover; Green Day is a heavy rock type band but has thoughtful lyrics. As I took the photos I thought the hand-made subjects were better suited for Rascal Flatt another band I enjoy; Rascal Flatt is a country rock band and there down-home style fit better with the subjects that I photographed.

I didn’t have a specific influence for this project; it was a project with its own unique inspiration.  I just winged it.

My composition was I primarily asymmetrical. On the front cover I draw attention to the candle and then the eye is drawn to look around it at the art and effects on the edges.   The back cover draws attention to the star and then leads the viewer to the clock face and finally the song titles.

I want a job in the creative arts in my future. I have to get better and grow in my artistic skills to move towards my goal.  Likewise I need to show my skills so I may obtain my dream.

Critical Assessment 
I sort of liked the effects I used on the clock in my opinion I think it’s interesting and gives the photo a painting-like feel. If I could work on it more I would make the artwork look more hand-made.